Chets Creek Media Team

Upload Your Photos/Videos

What does the media team do?

Once a month bring your camera to church and take pictures and/or video. If you’re signed up for our email list, we will send out periodic reminders. We will also send out special requests for special events and/or projects as needed.

Take beautiful pictures 🙂. You do not need to edit your photos. We have some specific presets that we will use.

After you take photos/videos upload your top 10 (give or take) to our dropbox folder using the link above.

**Please make sure you upload content with 48 hours.

Suggested Shot List

- People! (Smiling, Laughing, Engaging, Interacting, etc.)
- Main Adult Worship (band, crowd, pastor)
- LifeGroups
- Volunteers in Action
- Welcome Area
- Kids Area (must have background check on file)
- Student Area
- Setup

**Don’t feel like you have to get all of these. It’s not bingo. This is just designed to give you ideas of the different things we are looking for regularly. We will let you know if there are specific things we need to capture on the weekend you are schedule.

New To The Team?

If you’re new to the team or are inserted in getting plugged in please contact Andrew McCallum ( or complete the form below to get added to the email list so you can receive periodic reminders and requests for upcoming special events and projects. We also have a team lanyard that we want to get to you before you start serving, and you will need to fill out a background check in order to take pictures in the kids ministry area.




Churches to Follow

Free Chapel - @freechapel
Canvas Church - @canvas_fl
Vous Church - @vouschurch
Gwinnett Church - @gwinnettchurch
Auburn Community Church - @auburncommunitychurch