Babies to 5th Grade
We're committed to partnering with parents to raise a generation of world changers. We realize that your kids are only with us a few hours each week so we want those hours to be the very best part of their week. We want your kids to drag you to church, not the other way around! ChetsKids is full of fun, relevant Bible application, and many activities that reinforce a bottom line of life transformation.
We want to plant these truths in the heart of every child:
Preschool (Babies to PreK)
God made me.
God loves me.
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Elementary (Kindergarten to 5th Grade)
I need to make the wise choice.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Safety and Security
The safety and security of your child is our highest priority. When you check-in you will receive a tag for your child and a corresponding tag for you. You will need to show your tag to your child's leaders before they will be released to you.
Allergy Alert
Kids are given a small snack and water during each hour with us. If you have special dietary requirements or restrictions, please alert us upon check-in. Feel free to send an appropriate snack for your child.
We are a Well-Child Facility
Please help us maintain a healthy environment by keeping children who show any visible sign of illness home until they are fever-free and symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
Sundays in ChetsKids
ChetsKids LifeGroups
Babies to 5th Grade: Sundays at 9:00am
Babies to 5th Grade: Sundays at 9:00am
Babies to 5th Grade: Sundays at 9:00am
Babies to 5th Grade: Sundays at 10:30am
(ChetsKids Club)
PreK to 2nd Grade at 10:30am
Babies to 5th Grade: Sundays at 10:30am
Wednesdays in ChetsKids
Hodges Campus
Wednesdays, 6:30pm
Bible Drill - 4th & 5th Graders
”What’s In the Bible?” - K through 5th Grade
ChetsKids Club - Babies to PreK
Southside Campus
Wednesdays, 6:30pm
ChetsKids Club - Babies to 5th Grade
At Home Resource
One of the ways that we partner with parents is by offering resources for you to use at home with your child through the Parent Cue app. Parent cue is full of resources designed to help move your child toward a deeper faith and a better future. Through the app you’ll find videos, devotion guides, parent guides, conversation prompts, and other resource.
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Volunteer With ChetsKids!
We have an amazing team of volunteers at each of our campuses that love to serve kids and their families. If you’re interested in getting connected to a ChetsKids serve team, simply fill out the application below.
The online volunteer application is currently unavailable.
Please contact Kitty Hogan at 904.223.5954 or email if you are interested in serving in ChetsKids. Thank you!
Get Email Updates!
You can contact Kitty Hogan, our Minister to Kids, at 904.223.5954 for more information about ChetsKids.