The Multiply Hope campaign is a renewed commitment from our Chets family to our mission of helping people know God and be changed by Him in a way that will change the world. As we look toward our 30th anniversary in 2028, God has given us a vision to multiply hope through these five priorities.

Multiply Hope for Everyone Who Needs Christ

Since the start of our church, we’ve seen over 2,000 people publicly declare their faith in Christ through baptism. We believe God has put our church here to bring hope to everyone by inviting people to come and hear about the love of Christ and equipping people to share their faith.

Imagine how we might multiply hope if we all committed to pray for at least one person and shared with them about Jesus. In the next seven years we want to see another 1,100+ people commit their lives to following Christ and be baptized.

Multiply Hope by Meeting Needs in our Community

There are 160,000 people in Jacksonville living below the poverty line. 15% of the people in our community speak a language other than English. Every three hours 911 receives a drug overdose related phone call.

We can’t ignore the opportunities to multiply hope in our community. By expanding ministries like Celebrate Recovery, ESL classes, GriefShare, and DivorceCare across our campuses, we can invite more hurting people into a hope-filled story.

We’re also excited for future opportunities to meet needs and share the hope of Christ through our community missions partners and the development of a Hope Center at our Southside Campus.

Multiply Hope for the Next Generation

We believe in connecting the home and the church to raise a generation of world changers. Our church partners with parents to multiply hope in their homes and equip kids and students to multiply hope in their world.

Our desire is to see 500 more families involved in this partnership by participating in Parent Commissioning over the next seven years.

We also want to expand our ministry to middle and high school students so that we’re equipping 500 students each week across all of our campuses.

Multiply Hope Through our Relationships

Everybody needs somebody who believes they can change. LifeGroups and other ministries are essential for helping people build relationships and grow as followers of Christ.

We’re committed to starting more groups and creating more opportunities for people to know others and be known by others. We currently have 52 adult LifeGroups across our four campuses and we want to see that number double by the year 2028.

Multiply Hope Through our Generosity

Generosity fuels the multiplication of hope. Our Chets family has a long history of generously giving our time, skills and resources. We’ve been able to impact the world from right here in Jacksonville.

The campaign projects will allow us to further the mission of our church through the priorities of this vision. This is only possible if each of us trusts God with a new level of sacrificial generosity.


Completion of the following projects will help Chets Creek Church advance the vision which God has given us and multiply hope like never before.


Our Southside Campus is located in one of the most diverse areas of Jacksonville and we currently have English, Cambodian, African, and Burmese fellowships gathering each week.

The development of a Hope Center at the Southside Campus will provide a facility for us to meet physical needs and connect people to the current and future language fellowships at this campus.

The center will serve as a community missions hub for all of our campuses with resources and volunteer opportunities to help multiply hope throughout northeast Florida.


An addition on the east side of our Hodges Campus building will provide a 250-seat auditorium and rooms to house our ministry to middle and high school students. These spaces will also be used by other growing ministries such as Celebrate Recovery, ESL classes, Marriage Ministry, and for weddings and memorial services.

Our existing student ministry space will become available for adult LifeGroups and college/young adult ministry. We will also have the flexibility to create more space for ChetsKids as we grow. Other improvements include a covered walkway to connect the north and south ends of the building.

Campus Goal: $10 Million


When Oasis Church became part of our North Campus in 2020, we were able to relocate from Oceanway Middle School to the former Oasis campus.

This project will allow us to finish updates to the front building and auditorium, landscaping, outdoor lighting, and repairs to the parking lot.

Campus Goal: $500,000


Our facilities at the Southside Campus have been modernized and reconfigured for our current and future ministries. The campus needs a main entrance and gathering space for this diverse church family.

The addition of a welcome center will connect all the buildings together and provide a central space to welcome guests and build community.

Campus Goal: $500,000 


1. Why are we starting this campaign now?
We have been praying and seeking God’s direction for the future of our church over the past several years. While the pandemic has delayed the start of the campaign, it did not change our need to complete these projects. God has given us incredible opportunities to multiply hope through each of our campuses and we do not want space to be a limitation now or in the years to come.

2. Why do all of these projects at once?
These Multiply Hope campaign projects are tools that support the vision that God has given us through our five priorities. As one church in multiple locations, each campus has a role to play in that vision. We don’t want to limit God’s work through any part of our Chets family by delaying. After consulting with ministry and stewardship leaders, we believe we have the capacity to do a single campaign that all of our campuses participate in rather than multiple campaigns over a longer period of time.

3. How will the funds be distributed?
Our plan is for funds raised at each campus to be used for projects at that campus with the exception of the Hope Center at the Southside Campus. All four campuses will give 10% (a tithe) of every dollar raised to help develop the Center. Once the Hope Center has been funded, the 10% will revert back to each campus for their projects.

4. When will construction begin?
Projects will begin as funds are available.

5. Is this in addition to our regular giving?
Yes. Our tithes and offerings are necessary to continue our church’s on-going ministry and missions efforts here and around the world. We are asking everyone to pray about how God might lead us to make an additional gift to the Multiply Hope campaign. This campaign will require all of us to commit to a new level of sacrificial generosity. We know that God will honor that sacrifice by growing our faith and changing the lives of countless others.

6. When will the campaign begin and end?
The campaign began in fall of 2021. Our hope is for all commitments to be fulfilled by the end of 2024.