Session 1

The word communication gets tossed around all the time in marriage books, studies, and other resources. But what is good marital communication? And why is communication so often an issue for couples?

Session 2

One of the reasons that communication is difficult is because we all do it differently. And how we communicate depends on the filters through which we see the world and other people. At times, it can feel like we speak a different language than our spouse.

Session 3

God created each of us to be unique—and that includes the dynamic of how we communicate. There are four basic communication styles that we all fit into. In this session, you’ll discover your style.

Session 4

As we learned last week, there are four different communication dynamics. The tensions between our different dynamics is what can cause tension in marriage. But understanding these differences is the first step in easing that tension.

Session 5

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to effective communication is our inability to listen. This session, we’ll learn a technique that can help anyone learn how to listen . . . really listen.

Session 6

Once we know our spouse’s communication dynamic and train ourselves to really listen, we can discovery a life-altering truth: communication is not about us. Once we know that, we can communicate in ways that serve our spouse.