20 Years of Trusting God's Word
by Glenn Reese
As part of our 20th anniversary celebration, we’re reflecting on our church’s values through the stories and experiences of our Chets family.
The Bible is the foundation of my life because the people I trust, trust the Bible. When all I could do was cry, pee, and poop, God placed me in the care of people who loved God and trusted His Word. My parents and grandparents taught, knew, studied, practiced, and believed the Bible to be God’s Word. And the group of people that started Chets Creek Church 20 years ago loved and trusted the Bible. The Word of God is our foundation today because it was the foundation back then.
The Bible is our foundation because only the Bible provides a constant, never-changing compass. Pretty much everything else in life changes. When the latest cultural shift takes place, the Bible doesn’t. When the latest political climate shifts, the Bible remains constant. I need that and we need it as a church family because of the temptation to be swayed or influenced by the latest and greatest, whatever or whoever that may be. The Bible is that by which we must measure all else.
The Bible is our foundation because it is truth. Anything else is someone’s opinion. However good, accurate, intellectual, and promising someone’s judgment may be, it is not the Word of God. It is their opinion. This is why we have made it such a priority to study to the Bible in our sermons, LifeGroups, and other church ministries. Because anything else is an opinion.
The Bible is our foundation because it is real. In his book, The Story of Reality, Gregory Koukl states that “the Bible is a story, not a story in the sense of once upon a time, but a story about things that really happened, or are going to happen… it is an account of the way things actually are.”
The Bible is our foundation because there is no other book like it. Not even close. People have sought to defame it, ban it, ridicule it, and even destroy it. It has outlived its pallbearers. No other book satisfies our deepest longings like the Bible. None. We’re prone to wander and our affections get misplaced. Only the Bible speaks into the depth of our souls and calls us to God.
The Bible is our foundation because it is about Jesus. Our lives and our church would be nothing were it not for Jesus. There is no stronger statement of truth than these words I learned and sang as a child: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.