The Audition Process
The Chets Worship Team is accepting all auditions for volunteer musicians via video submissions. (You can also schedule an in person audition time with your campus worship leader.)
We will review your videos and follow up with you with the next steps in the process. If you play multiple instruments and want to audition with them all, we ask that you submit videos for each individually (this includes vocalists who also play instruments).
Should you have any questions during the audition process, or to schedule an in-person audition, please contact the worship leader for your campus:
Jamison Elder (Hodges)
Allan Covington (Palm Valley)
Christian Rousseau (Southside)
Cam Boothe (Student Worship at Hodges Campus)
Preparing for Your Audition
We know some of these songs have a certain degree of difficulty to them. We are not expecting you to perform them perfectly. Please don't get discouraged if you can't get everything right. Doing your best will help us to discern your current skill level.
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, and Drums
Download the Audition Resources below and you will play "Lion And The Lamb" in G.
Piano / Keys
Download the Audition Resources below and you will play "Make Room” in G.
Male - Download the Audition Resources below and you will sing. . .
“House of the Lord” in G - Lead (melody)
“Same God” - Lead (melody)
“Goodness of God” - Tenor Part (harmony)
Please also be prepared to sing a verse and chorus of a song of your choice a cappella (no accompaniment).
Female - Download the Audition Resources below and you will sing. . .
“House of the Lord” in C - Lead (melody)
“Goodness of God” - Lead (melody)
“Same God” - Alto Part (harmony)
Please also be prepared to sing a verse and chorus of a song of your choice a cappella (no accompaniment).
Other Instruments
If you play an instrument not listed above we still want to hear from you! From time to time we have need for different instrumentation.
Please upload a video of you playing the songs of your choice on your instrument with the instructions below.
This includes, but is not limited to, cello, violin, trombone, trumpet, saxophone, banjo, and mandolin.
Creating and Submitting Your Audition Video
Rehearse. Download the audition resources package and follow the instructions in the "Video Auditions How To" document.
Upload. Upload your video via YouTube. Under privacy settings, select "Unlisted" and title with "Your Name – Chets Worship Team Audition"
Submit. Submit your audition by completing the form below with the YouTube link to your video(s). Feel free to submit other videos of yourself as well.