Share A Prayer Request
We would love to pray for you this week! Complete the form below to submit a private prayer request that will go to our Prayer Team and staff.
The P.R.A.Y. Acrostic
The P.R.A.Y. Acrostic is a great tool to use as a guide for your personal prayer times.
Open your time of prayer by praising God for who He is and what He has done. Be general (“thank you God for being merciful”) and specific (“thank you God for keeping me healthy this week”). This helps us come as grateful children to our Father.
The Bible tells us to confess our sins to God. As followers of Christ, we already have His forgiveness. Confession helps us agree with God that we messed up and that He’s forgiven us. Repentance means a change in direction—it’s not just about words, but receiving God’s forgiveness so we can avoid sin in the future.
God has made it clear we are to bring our request to Him. Our loving Father loves to bless His children. But He also knows what’s best for us. As we spend time with Him, our prayers become more and more in alignment with His will and we see His answers more clearly. In this section each day you will see a few requests from the church that we are agreeing on in prayer about that day.
We should end our prayer with submitting our will to His. We are to boldly ask and then humbly submit to God’s will. Even ending a prayer by saying “In Jesus’ Name” is a way of saying “in accordance with what Jesus would want”.