(Helpful Links by Age Group)
As a church, our desire is to partner and equip parents in their role as the primary faith influencers of their kids. These are critical conversations and we want to empower you to have them in biblically-informed and age-appropriate ways. The resources below are not meant to be exhaustive on any topic, but will help begin or continue a conversation with your kids and students.
Younger Kids
Book: God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender
Book: God Made All of Me: A Guide to Help Children Protect Their Bodies
Book: The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality
Book: Relationships: 11 Lessons to Give Kids a Greater Understanding of Biblical Sexuality
Passport to Purity is an audio resource designed for a weekend getaway that guides you through conversations related to sex and purity.
Book: 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity addresses every topic that was addressed during our Swimming Upstream Series.
Book: Meet Me in the Middle
Articles: An overview on what your Middle Schooler and High Schooler should know about sex.
Article: Understanding the Myths of Gender Identity and Transgenderism
Article: Talking to Kids About Gender In A Gender Confused Age
Article: Transformation of a Transgender Teen
RightNow Media Series: The Gender Dilemma
Article: Kids, Let’s Talk About Sex
RightNow Media Series: Identity and Sexuality
Parent Cue App
This app is full of resources to help move your child toward a deeper faith and a better future.
Plugged In
Through articles, reviews and discussions, Plugged In helps shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live.
Focus On The Family
Focus On The Family is a global ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. Through their website they provide a variety of articles, podcasts, and other resources.
Blue Letter Bible
If you’re looking for a tool to help you and your family as you study the Bible, Blue Letter Bible is a great resource. With its powerful study tools and devotions you’ll grow your understanding of Scripture as you lead your family.
RightNow Media
Our church subscribes to RightNow Media to help you grow in your faith journey. They have a lot of great videos and studies in the area of parenting as well as some great content to engage your children. Click HERE to learn more about how to access RightNow Media for free.
Podcasts We Recommend:
Websites Worth Checking Out:
A great website for parents of teenagers that addresses many difficult issues and provides resources to help.ALLPRODAD.COM
Tony Dungy’s organization to help men become better dads.JUSTAPHASE.COM
Resources and help for parenting at every age and stage.CHETSSTUDENTS.COM/PARENTS
Our student ministry has set up its own resource page with lots of great stuff for parents of teenagers.
Technology is a Privilege
The parent signs the contract. Since technology is a privilege, children understand it can be taken away if boundaries are broken.
They Break It. They Buy It.
Children should take responsibility for any physical damage to the phone and for any plan overages.
Devices Will Be Checked for Inappropriate Content
Children understand that parents can and will check their devices. Random and frequent checks create healthy accountability.
Proper Etiquette
Teach children when to silence or turn off the phone – movies, restaurants, dinner table, etc. The phone shouldn’t be used when interacting with someone in person. This is a direct reflection of how parents use their phones. Set a good example.
Set Clear Expectations
Be upfront and clear. If children have a better understanding of the expectations, it will become easier to enforce boundaries.
Just Because a Friend Has It, Doesn’t Mean Your Children Will
All apps can be set up for approval by mom or dad. This gives parents control over which apps are installed on the phone.
Their Presence Online Represents More Than Just Themselves
It’s important for children to realize that what they do online represents their family, friends, church, and school.
Never Use Technology in a Way That Is Hurtful
Anything that wouldn’t be said in person should never be said over text or on a social network. Fake accounts should never be used to make fun of someone. Photos, videos, or text that could be embarrassing to someone else should never be shared.
No Secret Passwords or Accounts
Parents maintain access to all accounts. This adds another level of accountability.
Everything is Public
Remind children that colleges and employers look at social media as a reference. Once it’s online, it’s online forever.
Time with Devices
Define acceptable and unacceptable times of use as well as technology time limits. Times can be adjusted with age and maturity as trust is built.
Use Technology to Encourage
Technology allows people to connect with others easier and more often. It’s important that children use technology to have a positive influence on others.
As a parent, there are many resources available to help you filter and monitor your family’s browsing activity. Here are a few companies that help you take control of the technology in your home.
Many apps include functionality that can have unintended consequences. These are the types of apps to watch out for when monitoring your family’s devices.
Games with Social Components
Examples: Words with Friends (or anything … with Friends), Clash of Clans. Some games can be used more for their chat and social components than gameplay.
Hidden File Apps
These apps come in the form of fake calculators, games, flashlights, etc. They can be used to access hidden files, photos, videos, and even internet browsers. You can find these apps in the app store by searching for ‘hidden files‘ or ‘hidden browsers.’
Wallpaper Apps
Can contain inappropriate photos.
Texting or Chat Apps
Examples: Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, WhatsApp, Kik, Facebook Messenger
Allows users to text and chat using Wifi or data connection. If you only check the main messaging app on the phone, you may not see everyone your child is texting.
Apps with In-App Browsers
In-App browsers are the ability to browse the internet from inside an app. It’s like having Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari built inside an app like Twitter or Facebook. For example, someone could tweet themselves a link to google, then after clicking on the link have access to search google from within the Twitter app. There is no history or tracking on in-app browsing.
VOIP Apps (Voice Over IP)
Examples: Google Voice, Google Talk, Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom
Allows users to set up (for free) separate phone numbers, texting, and voicemail. Uses data and Wifi instead of traditional voice plans. With these apps you can use an iPod or iPhone as an actual phone over Wifi.
The Foundations by Ruth Chou Simons
Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible by Jared Kennedy
Parenting a House United by Nicholeen Peck
No Perfect Parents by Dave and Ann Wilson
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof
20 Quotes on Staying Christian In College by The Gospel Coalition