ChetsKids Leaders
Our Purpose:
We exist to lead every child to experience God’s love in a way that will change their world.
Our Vision:
To be a ministry that mobilizes children and families to love God & others.
Our Expectations:
We expect our ministry to be safe, welcoming, loving, and exciting; challenging kids, leaders, and parents in their faith journeys.
ChetsKids in 2024 Goals
By Promotion Sunday 2024 we want to. . .
1. Encourage Devotionals/Placemats
Give out to Parents
Take a moment to talk about one of the activities they might have done
2. Serve
Classroom Responsibilities – Welcome, Snack, Sweeper, Teacher Helper
Buddy – sit by guest, walk with him/her to kidworship
Help others find Scripture
Special needs buddy
Game Leader
3. Reward Participation
Bring bibles
Participate in games
Memorize Scripture
Bring offering
4. Complete 2 tasks from your teacher or leader
By the end of 2024 we want you to. . .
1. Complete “Your True Story”.
Watch the weekly videos
Daily devos time.
Participate with your ministry team in FaceBook group discussion.
2. Read 3 of the 4 Recommended books.
“Kids Ministry that Nourishes” (all) To begin after Your True Story
“Lead Small” (all)
“Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions” (all)
ChetsKids Campus Minister Choice Book
3. Watch 8 of 12 of the Orange Leader Videos.
Get Serious About Fun
Lead Yourself
It’s Just a Phase (and others!)
4. Attend at least 3 of 6 Leader Events
Leader Nights
SALT Leader Lunch
Wednesday Night (TBA)
5. Complete 1 of 2 tasks from your ChetsKids campus minister.
Your Leader will let you know.
We want to answer this question for every child & leader:
What would it take (what is the path) for a ChetsKid/Leader to be a more devoted follower of Christ at the end of 2024?