Discipleship at Work

“At a young age God called me to him and I have carried this burden of needing to bring other people to Him since,” said Megan Hulling. She knows we’re all called to do that, but she thinks God gave her a special yearning in her heart for it. Megan said it was really hard for her to get people to come to church with her though. Every time she would invite someone, it seemed like they had excuse after excuse.

Then she and her husband Nick visited Chets in January of last year. “I knew there was something special about the people who were at Chets,” said Megan. “They were actively pursuing relationships for the sake of Christ.” That was something God was encouraging Megan and Nick to do as well.

After attending a few weeks, they tried out a LifeGroup where Megan learned about a discipleship program for women called triads. “My life was changed dramatically through discipleship,” said Megan. “I was Bible studied out. I didn’t want to lead people to another Bible study.” She was longing for a way to invest in deeper relationships for the sake of the gospel. Disciple triads offered her that opportunity.

Megan said her first triad came together really organically. Kristin and Ellen were women she knew from her gym. They had already done a Mark Batterson book club together and both were asking questions about God and faith.


“So, I’ve got this year long book thing I want to do with you. It’s an hour and a half each week.” She said Kristen and Ellen were both eager to be a part of it. They were hungry to connect, to find truth, purpose, and healing.

“I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but I prayed the Holy Spirit would lead us.” Megan said it’s been incredible to see God at work. Both Kristin and Ellen have come to faith in Christ, have been baptized, and are growing in their faith.


Megan was surprised to hear there were other women who’d heard about the triad and wanted to know more. That’s when Megan realized people were having discipleship FOMO (fear of missing out). “This is what the gospel should be doing, you should want what Jesus has for you” said Megan. We should see people’s lives so transformed by the gospel that everyone else wants that same thing.

She said being a part of a triad was a huge encouragement to her faith as well. She recalled a chapter on the armor of God and the impact learning about the belt of truth has had in her own life. “When the lies of the world come, putting on the belt of truth has radically changed my life,” she said.


“I think a lot of people are really scared because they feel awkward, or don’t have the time or don’t feel equipped to disciple” said Megan. But God can use you if you’re willing. Megan recently started a new triad with two more women and she’s excited for how God is going to work through this new group. “It can be complicated, but it’s amazing,” she said.

Megan gets it now. She can invite people to church, but she can also invite them to be part of her life through discipleship. It’s an opportunity to share God with people in a very real way said Megan. “I fell in love with discipleship because I fell in love with the long term change it makes.”


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