Church Plant Updates

God is at work all around the world and we get to be a part of it! Check out these updates from our current church planting partners.


The Bridge Church was established in 2014, in Brooklyn, New York. It exists to help the people of Brooklyn connect to God, grow with family, and serve their city. Over the past year they’ve built relationships with those in their city through different events and partnerships. They had over 350 attend a day party they threw with live performances, a DJ, food, and a photo booth. They donated notebooks and backpacks to a local elementary school. They also hosted a joint worship night with another church in Brooklyn. Throughout the year they celebrated incredible life change as people committed to following Jesus and being baptized. In 2019, they hope to expand their City Groups from four to eight locations, build out toolkits, training videos, and materials needed to empower their teams to collaborate, and roll out a new website. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for The Bridge Church:

  • Pray they would be able to create more spaces and events to reach people in their community.

  • Pray that they would press into God's call to do less activity and exercise more care for the health of their members.

  • Pray that God would reveal where they should expand to next. 


The Brook Church launched in Miami, Florida in 2015. They desire to advance the gospel in Miami and throughout the nations. In 2018 they had a lot to celebrate but also a lot to mourn. They baptized three people and began their 2580 initiative to saturate the North-Dade corridor with a greater presence for a greater gospel witness and restoration. They partnered with a local elementary school to redo their teacher’s lounge and partnered with a local non-profit. They handed out over 1000 backpacks for kids going back to school and 400 turkeys during thanksgiving week. A few of their key leaders transitioned to different churches and ministry callings across the country. They also had two members tragically die. They adopted a church plant in their city whose pastor was called out of Miami and through that merger acquired an executive pastor. As they look to 2019, they plan to host the annual paint something beautiful block party, church in the park, and justice symposiums with community leaders. They also hope to launch a leadership pipeline. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for The Brook Church:

  • Pray for the implementation and success of the 2580 strategy.

  • Pray for relational wholeness for their community.

  • Pray for greater financial investment from church members and attenders.

  • Pray for greater margin among leaders.


Église21 in Magog is located outside of Montreal, Canada. It’s in a location where less than 1% of the population consider themselves evangelical Christians. Established in 2015, they seek to be a church where people can discover the truth about Jesus and be transformed by His love. God is working in incredible ways there in Magog. Last year they hosted over 150 young adults for a conference where they heard about what Jesus means to their generation. God transformed the lives of several people there. There are some big changes they are praying for in 2019. They hope to hire a family pastor, a connection groups coordinator, and a training coordinator. The Magog Theater where they meet was damaged and needs restoration work. They also want to redevelop their administrative offices. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for Église21:

  • Pray that God would bring the funds they need to make these changes in 2019.

  • Pray that lives will be transformed through the life-changing gospel.

  • Pray that that God would continue to be glorified through the people of Église21.


Grace Alive launched in Orlando, Florida in 2017. They are a movement for all people to discover, deepen, and display their relationship with Jesus. This past year they’ve seen growth in their community groups. Community Groups exist to fulfill the mission of the church through regular gatherings for Bible study, community, accountability, and service to their city. Throughout the year they hosted Dinner with the Pastors meetings. These are opportunities for people to have their questions answered, hear a little bit about Grace Alive, and learn about how the church began. In 2018, Grace Alive has seen many people go public with their faith and be baptized. Those at Grace Church say, baptism declares “Jesus in my place!” Because of the generosity of their people, the mission of making disciples who make disciples that will eventually plant more multiethnic churches is being realized. God is allowing them to impact Orlando with the Gospel! As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for Grace Alive:

  • Pray for continued opportunities to reach their community with the gospel.

  • Pray for more people to come to a knowledge of who God is.

  • Pray for continued growth in Community Groups.


La Chapelle Church in Montreal, Canada is known as a church for those who don't go to church. This past year was one of incredible growth and challenges. In 2018, 74 people professed faith in Christ and were baptized. God is building his church in Montreal one life at a time. This past December they held their biggest Christmas show ever in one of the most famous theaters in Montreal. A lot of energy was put on the show and there were hundreds of volunteers. More than 3,700 people attended who were touched by both the show and the message. The goal was to make people rediscover the real meaning of Christmas. They are facing difficulties with their meeting locations. The media did an article about La Chapelle and talked about our position on homosexuality which is making it difficult for them to find a space willing to allow them to meet there. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for La Chapelle:

  • Pray for the community of la Chapelle Ahuntsic as they search to find a new meeting location. Pray that they find a building.

  • Pray that God will strengthen Pastor Josias Laporte and his family as they prepare to move to Gatineau where they will plant a fourth La Chapelle.

  • Pray that they would continue to reach those who don’t know Christ and that God would prepare the hearts of each visitor to receive him.

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Milestone Church in Natick launched in 2016 and God is at work changing lives there in MetroWest Boston. The people of Milestone Church have seen their neighbors profess Christ and be baptized! They added an additional worship service on Sundays, saw new church planters and leaders begin to surface, began new connections in their community, and planted a new church. God allowed them to inherit a new facility in Wellesley and there are 25 people and two lay leaders already committed to the new location. This past Christmas Eve they held their first gathering in the building and there was standing room only. God is at work! As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for Milestone Church:

  • Milestone Church wants to build up their current leaders and raise up future leaders for church planting. Pray for them as they develop these leaders.

  • Pray for the new Wellesley location. Pray for the launch team as they prepare and for wisdom as they reach their new community.

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New Circle is a church in Indianapolis, Indiana. They desire to grow in their relationship with Christ, develop a deeper community with one another, and live out the Great Commission. In 2018 they averaged nearly 150 people in their Sunday gatherings, celebrated several baptisms, and added new members. This past summer, they purchased their building and have no debt. They also added two new people to their staff. They facilitated mission trips from six different partner churches and sent their own group on mission to an orphanage in Haiti. They helped their community by assisting two people from New Circle launch non-profits and becoming an intake site for free legal help on Sundays. They also gave over $12,000 to help fund new churches and organizations in Indianapolis. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for New Circle Church:

  • Pray that people would get connected during their Community Group relaunch.

  • All of the people of New Circle have written down the names of two people that are far from Christ. Pray that they would have an opportunity to share the Gospel with these people and that they would come to Christ.

  • Pray for those who currently scheduled to be baptized and for more to be bold in taking that next faith step.

  • Pray for the individuals of the multi-housing complex near the building where our church gathers each week and that New Circle can make an impact on their lives.  


Story City Church is in Los Angeles, California with a vision to be for the story of God, for the city of LA. The gospel is at the center of everything they do. #BetterTogetherLA is Story City Church’s generosity initiative to serve the communities that sustain us. When there is a need in our community, we want to run to it and serve. We facilitate this generosity through groups from all over the US who help us fulfill our servant role in our city. In summer of 2018 they hosted #BetterTogetherLA weekend where they had a free backpack giveaway, free head shots, free family photos, free parents’ night out childcare service, free computer repair, free car wash, free minor home renovation projects, foster family day out, and a free mobile health clinic. Life change is happening in their community groups that meet throughout the week to spend time catching up, sharing food, studying the Bible, and praying. This week, Story City celebrates their third birthday! As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for Story City Church:

  • Pray they would continue to reach their community with the love of God.

  • Pray for them as they celebrate their third birthday this Sunday. They will be having taco trucks after each service with free tacos! Pray for new people to come and for them to connect with others.   


Walk Church launched in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2015 to free people to walk in Jesus. This past year God has been at work in some incredible ways. Forty-four people began relationships with Jesus and 34 people took their next step of faith and were baptized. They hired six new staff members and are praising God for His provision. In 2018, they went from one worship experience to two and averaged over 250 people in attendance. Throughout the year, they fed over 1,000 people in Las Vegas through their Food Pantry. They hosted six mission teams from different partner churches and sent out their first mission team to one of their partner churches. This summer kids from all around the city gathered together for their first ever VBS and students attended their first summer camp. They launched their WALK Church App and through it, seen more engagement. They currently have a church planting couple working with them as apprentices as they plan to launch a church in Las Vegas in 2020. As we move into 2019, here are some of the ways you can pray for Walk Church:

  • Pray that God would continue to use Walk Church to free people to walk in Jesus.

  • Pray for continued opportunities to serve their community.

  • Pray that the community of believers would be bold about sharing their faith with others.


Together - THRIVE 2019
