We can’t wait to celebrate Easter with you!

Service Times & Locations

We are one church meeting in multiple locations. Click the link below to find a campus near you.

Upcoming Events



Everybody needs somebody who believes they can change. To provide spaces beyond our worship services where adults can connect and grow, we have LifeGroups and Growth Groups. LifeGroups are on-going groups that encourage community and inspire life change through studying the Bible together. Growth Groups are short-term groups that grow your faith and equip you for life by focusing on a particular topic or area of life.


In Chets Students, we partner with parents to help middle and high school students KNOW God, GROW in their faith, and SHOW Jesus to the world a round them. We want every student to be part of a LifeGroup where they can form connections with other students their age and faithful leaders who will be there for them. Each week we also gather for REFUEL, a time of games, prizes, a relevant message, and opportunities for students to engage with God and each other.


We're committed to partnering with parents to raise a generation of world changers. Since your kids are only at church for a few hours each week, we want that time to be the very best part of their week.

ChetsKids is full of fun, relevant Bible application, and many activities that reinforce a bottom line of life transformation. And it's all done in an age-appropriate and safe environment. We also provide resources to help parents continue the conversation with their kids throughout the week!

Get Connected!

We’d love to be able to connect with you and your family. Click the link to complete our digital connection card or sign up to receive email updates about what’s happening at Chets!